Monday, May 23, 2005

Stealing Clothes' Tags Is Good/Bad

by Tyler Zach

When I was a youngster I absolutely loved collecting all kinds of things.

One of the many items that I collected was clothes' tags. I am a dork, I know. There was a nice shoebox full of clothes' tags on my little white cart of collected items. When my mom would take me and my sister to the mall, I looked forward to going through aisles of clothes and picking up tags that had fallen on the floor (not price tags, but the good brand name tags).

You might be thinking, “Usually there aren’t very many tags just lying around on the floor”.

Well, you see, I started to get very frustrated when I was only averaging about 2-3 tags per mall visit. That means I was only gaining about 12-18 tags a year. That is a loser collection.

So, just as Adam and Eve stared at the apple hanging from the forbidden tree, there I was staring at a dazzling, 4-inch in diameter, extra glossy, 256-bit color, brand name tag. Even though I was little, I still knew in my heart that it would be wrong to pull it off.

To make a long story short, about an hour later, the store lady found me. Looking at me with steaming nostrils she said, “Where did you get all those”? I stared at the floor for a minute and then mumbled, “On the flooooor.”

Sin is basically trying to do or get something good in the wrong stealing brand name tags.

(Please leave a comment if you agree or disagree)

For instance, if I were to have premarital sex with my girlfriend, it would be a good thing...right? God made sex to be a wonderful, intimate, connecting experience. However, God has a different context for that situation. He knows that it would be harmful and destructive for me and therefore does not permit it - not because He is a no-fun God, but because He is a great God who cares about me as His son.

“He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.” – Hebrews 12:10

So when I actually try to get something good at the wrong time or in the wrong way, I’m rejecting my Father’s authority, wisdom, and discernment just like a child rejects the parent when he or she screams back, “Nooooooo.”

How are you “pulling tags” and trying to acquire good things in the wrong way?

Do you view a holy lifestyle as restricting? Do you view God as a judgmental, overly strict God?

Do you see that God’s discipline is out of love – constantly trying to protect us from our sinful ways so that we may share His holiness?


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