Monday, April 04, 2005

Filthy Rich

by Tyler Zach

I can't believe how filthy rich people are.

I mean, there are thousands upon thousands of millionaires out there who spend all their money on themselves. It is quite disgusting to me. Even the rich people who give money to charity make me sick because they give so little in comparison to what they have. Giving $1,000 to a “good cause” doesn’t really impress me when $1,000 is only .05% of the total salary that a person makes in a year.

Let’s stop right here and take a moment to pause. At this point, you may be thinking that the paragraph above is me talking about the rich people I see on TV. That is actually incorrect. The paragraph above is a person in _______ on the other side of the globe talking about ME.

Being rich is dangerous. It is…filthy dangerous. I am rich, you are rich, everyone for the most part is rich here in America.

Here is a truth to choke on. God doesn’t take an excel spreadsheet, input the salary of everyone in your zip code, and then label the top 10% rich. We have slipped into relativity.

When you live in the suburbs of Chicago and you are making less than the doctor across the street or the lawyer living next to you, it is easy to not think of yourself as rich. What if you were to compare yourself with someone living in the inner-city?

When God looks down at us and sees the blessings that we have been given, he looks at these in comparison to the other billions of people throughout the world. What makes this worse is that 10 American dollars is worth far more money in third world countries. Oops…we just got even richer!

So, if you find yourself guilty like me of complaining about how “filthy rich” movie stars are, realize that we are engaging in hypocrisy. I urge you to find a missions organization in your hometown or across the globe and starting giving right away. For $1/day, you can give a kid food, clean water, schooling, spiritual mentor, lessons on hygiene, etc. The list goes on.

One organization that I trust is Compassion International. Go to their web site to find out more information ( )

God mentions the poor over and over again in the bible. Sometimes, we get so focused on "spreading knowlege" that we forget to "meet needs". Jesus was very focused and passionate about meeting needs. In the end when we come face to face with Him, how will you give an account of how you spent your money?

After reading this blog, write down a list of people in need that you've given to recently. Can you?


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