Saturday, March 05, 2005

Save Them, No Wait, Save Me

by Tyler Zach

I just watched the movie “Saved” with Mandy Moore and the Home Alone kid. I intentionally rented the movie because I heard that they made fun of good Christians – like me. So I watched and prepared myself to pray for these movie makers to be saved for doing such a heretical thing.

I curled up on the couch and started the flick. Guess what? I was right, they were making Christians look really bad. It was like they took the most ignorant Christians on the planet and put them in that movie. However, as the movie went on my plan backfired. I started to find Mandy saying a lot of the things I did and acting a lot like I do. “I hope I don’t sound like that,” I kept saying out loud to the dog sitting next to me.

The truth is, Christians have a tendency to do what they see. Catholics genuflect when they see someone genuflect. Protestants pretend to read their bible because they see other people reading their bible in church. We are great “monkey see monkey doers”.

One day, a long time ago I heard someone say, “Lord, please save _____ because they are living in sin and don’t know You.” While that is a completely true and authentic prayer – what matters is our heart attitude.

Does your heart say:
a) Lord, you better make them believe in You so they can go to heaven OR
b) Lord, bring them closer to You by allowing me to love, serve, and actively be involved in their life - giving them a true reflection of You.

I know most of the time my heart attitude is (a). It is funny how God can use a Hollywood movie to ignite truth into us – especially when the easy thing to do is label it secular, pray for it, and move on to the next religious menu item of the day.


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