Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Stop Dating the Church (Part 3) - Finding "the One" Church

by Tyler Zach

Is there a lot of snoring in your church? Do you look forward to going to church on Sunday or is it a hassle? Yes, part of the problem could be you. But let’s face it, there are a lot of churches out there that are not aligned with God’s purposes. Most of the churches out there are in fact dead.

Well, what does a godly church look like then? Here are ten questions to ask yourself when prayerfully considering a church:

1) Is this a church where God’s Word (the bible) is faithfully taught? A lot of churches may appear to teach God’s Word. The test: Is the Word the 'meat’ of the sermon or the ‘seasoning’?

2) Is this a church where sound doctrine matters? “The time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” – 2 Timothy 4:3-4

3) Is this a church in which the gospel is cherished and clearly proclaimed? “Do not go where it is all fine music and grand talk and beautiful architecture; those things will neither fill anybody’s stomach, nor feed his soul. Go where the gospel is preached, the gospel that really feeds your soul, and go often.” – Charles Spurgeon

4) Is this church committed to reaching non-Christians with the gospel?

5) Is this a church whose leaders are characterized by humility and integrity?

6) Is this a church where people strive to live by God’s Word? Can you see the preaching be applied practically in the members’ lives?

7) Is this a church where I can find and cultivate godly relationships?

8) Is this a church where members are challenged to serve?

9) Is this a church that is willing to kick me out? The church should always demonstrate godly discipline.

10) Is this a church I’m willing to join “as is” with enthusiasm and faith in God? Will you be enthusiastic about this church even with its current flaws and shortcomings?

Once you prayerfully choose a church, hop on board and stay committed! Do away with the flirting. Just as a husband or wife desires their spouse's whole heart, so does God desire yours!

[Much of this article’s content and inspiration was taken from the book “Stop Dating the Church” by Joshua Harris. The book was very life-changing for me and I hope that you will read it too.]


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