Friday, March 11, 2005

Stop Dating The Church (Part 1)

by Tyler Zach

Johnny pops the “big question”. Emily throws her arms around him and shouts, “Yes, yes!” They kiss like the movie stars, Johnny picks her up, puts her on his horse, and they ride into the sunset and live happily ever after.

While this is what I…I mean, girls dream about, reality has proven the opposite. Today, the divorce rate is outrageous. Over half of marriages in our country end in divorce. Commitment is taken very lightly and is ever-so diminishing. That is because commitment is hard! Ask any married couple. Dating is a lot easier and a lot less work than marriage.

Imagine what it would be like if your parents were still dating. What would their lives look like if they did not have their rings...or their love each other unconditionally no matter what? They could live freely, date freely with others, have less responsibility over you, and peace out whenever times get rough. That is unimaginable to me.

Not only is this weak commitment limited to marriages however, but also in our relationship with God. He has called each of us to commit to a spiritual community so that we can mature in our faith, learn to serve, and worship.

I flirted with the church for a long time. When I told God that I was committing myself to live for Him, He took me seriously but apparently I didn’t take myself very seriously. I went to church every Sunday because that is what a good Christian is supposed to do. Sometimes, just to impress God, I would go to the youth group so that I would get a little more brownie points – and I did, on my own personal chalkboard. But I totally wasn’t getting what God really wanted. I wasn't getting the big picture.

“Your life is much bigger than a good job, an understanding spouse, and non-delinquent kids. It is bigger than beautiful gardens, nice vacations, and fashionable clothes. In reality, you are a part of something immense, something that began before you were born and will continue after you die. God is rescuing fallen humanity, transporting them into his kingdom, and progressively shaping them into his likeness – and he wants you to be a part of it.”
– Paul David Tripp

Did you catch the big picture? And what does church or commitment have to do with this? Stay tuned for part 2.


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