Monday, April 11, 2005

Scan Me Into Heaven Please

by Tyler Zach

Working at Wal-Mart was quite an interesting experience.

I had to make a little money the summer before I went to college - so I drove 1/2 hour everyday to make $5.65/hour as a cashier. I would scan hour upon hour trying to be the best cashier I could be.

When I found out that they gave prizes to the cashier who could scan the fastest, I really started to book it on those bar codes. The prize never found me however. I kept getting beat by one of those nice old ladies that had “25 years of service” written on her name tag.

When they needed a sub to go and greet people at the door, I was always the first one to volunteer. And yes, I was the geek who would playfully push people as they came through the door and shout, “Watch out for those falling prices!” I am such a nerd.

One day this old man came up to my counter (I sound so cool when I say that) and I scanned one of his items. You would have thought his retirement plan had gone under after you saw him complain about the price of this t-shirt he grabbed!

Turns out that someone had placed his shirt on a sale rack. We, however, were taught in Wal-Mart training school (and yes, they actually do a cheer on breaks) that the bar code never lies. I rebuked this man gently and told him that his t-shirt was not on sale.

This illustration represents the spiritual state of most Christians, at least the ones living around me. Many people flock to the right “clothes rack” (I mean church) so that they can say they are a part of something they’re actually not (I mean their heart).

I once heard someone say, “Going to McDonalds doesn’t make you a hamburger any more than going to church makes you a Christian.”

This is the truth. God will scan your heart someday. It won’t matter what said you did…or who you claimed to belong to…because the bar code never lies.

The bar code reveals your relationship with God. If in fact you are a child of the King: Do you seek to know your Father's heart? Do you seek to do His will?

I’ll let the words of Jesus in the book of Matthew end this blog. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me…’”


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