Monday, September 12, 2005

Responding to Comment on New Orleans

by Tyler Zach

Anonymous said...

"While God allows such things to happen as a natural course of events; anyone who says this was a specific event that God thrust on an unsuspecting people is a lunatic and fanatic. Great indeed is the mystery of the Gospel and the understanding of God but this tragedy is one of those inexplicable events that makes us ask the question "why do bad things happen to good people." Anyone who interprets this as the "wrath of God on an evil people" is attempting to elevate himself/herself to deity status. We are incapable of knowing God's grand plan, His Will, or even fortelling the "end of days." Anyone who thinks they are at this level of understanding are only fooling themselves. To use events such as this as a way to intimidate or scare people into a transient "belief" in God is immoral and contradictory to the teachings of Christ."

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for the comment. I wish more people would voice their opinion. It is good to sharpen each other.

You brought up some good concerns. Before I comment, you must know this. First, I am not God and I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I deeply apologize if it felt like I was “elevating myself” to deity status as you say. If I make any statements or opinions that are not aligned to the Word of God, I welcome rebuke! As Jesus said, “I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 5:30-32). My intent is to only say what I hear the Father saying.

I can not fully understand why tragedies happen and why bad things happen to good people. But this track record goes way back all throughout scripture. So, even if we can’t fully explain it, we CAN get a glimpse of God’s role in all this. By ignoring scripture we would be ignoring God's voice in this situation.

Whether God DOES things or ALLOWS things to happen…the ultimate truth is that He is sovereign over everything. He even controls the weather! Here are just a few examples of this in the bible:

- Genesis 6:5-9:19 (Earth destroyed by flood, people and animals killed)
- Exodus 9:23-29 (hail and fire from heaven on Egypt)
- Joshua 10:11 (hail on the Amorites, etc.)
- I Samuel 7:10 (thunder disperses the Philistines)
- Nahum 1:3 (judgment with whirlwind and drought)
- Leviticus 26:19-20 (rainless sky, parched earth)
- Deuteronomy 11:13-15 (rain as reward for obedience)
- Deuteronomy 28:24 (drought punishment)
- I Samuel 12:18 (thunder and rain to get people's attention)
- II Samuel 21:1 (drought and famine)
- I Kings 8:35-36 (good weather reward)
- I Kings 16:30-18:45 (rain withheld and given)
- Hosea 13:15 (dry weather)
- Amos 4:7 (rain given and withheld from certain cities)
- Jonah 1:4,10-15 (man punished and redirected by sea storm)
- Zechariah 14:17 (rain withheld as judgment)
- Revelation 16:21 (hailstone punishment)

“After the loss of his ten children owing to a “natural disaster” (Job 1:19), Job said, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). At the end of the book, the inspired writer confirms Job’s understanding of what happened. He says Job’s brothers and sisters “comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him” (Job 42:11).” – John Piper

Job in the bible was clearly a righteous man. And so were many of the people who died in New Orleans. I do not have an answer as to why they died. But, I do know that God is good and that He works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

So, in all of this, you might be asking yourself if you want to worship a God who brings disaster like this. I say Yes Yes Yes!

If you look through a lens that shows that this world is all that there is to hope in, then you will be devastated. But if you look at this world in the lens that shows that this world is temporary, then you will praise Him for desiring to wake us up and cause us to tremble before Him. God is passionately pursuing us and wants us to spend the rest of eternity with Him. He will do everything possible to make this happen.

Let’s continue to “weep with those who weep” and show compassion on the people down there. Disaster or no disaster, this is clear command for us from God.

For further reflection, here is good article to read on natural disasters:


Blogger Jane said...

Oh, the controversy this subject generates!

Does it make it any easier for us if we put ourselves in God's position? Anonymous,if you were the Creator and your beloved creations were so damaged from the effects of sin that they could no longer directly hear your voice, how would you communicate with them?

You would have already left written instructions in a Holy Bible that has survived thousands of years. You directly spoke through the mouths and miracles of willing prophets. You sent your only Son to tell them personally what it takes to have a relationship with you. You have even empowered each of millions of believers with your Holy Spirit to help spread the Good News that will rescue the lost! Yet billions still don't accept your gift, and their eternal death is immenent. What would you do?

Can you think of a better way than removing your divine protection and allowing a disaster which will strip people of the illusion that they can take care of themselves? Any parent knows that disciplining an errant child is vastly more merciful than letting them face the natural consequences of their rebellious actions. If you were a caring creator, would you do any less?

6:04 PM  

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