Friday, July 24, 2009

Tim Keller Talks To 4,000 Campus Crusade Staff

Pastor Tim Keller, author of “The Reason for God” and “The Prodigal God”, addressed 4,000 Campus Crusade for Christ staff at the national staff conference in Ft. Collins, CO.

Here are a few highlights from his two talks:

Many people who pray the sinner's prayer don't understand imputed righteousness. They think that their “surrender” or their “giving their life to Christ” is what merits God's approval. We need to be very clear that when God saves us He imputes the righteousness of Christ to us - which is the only merit we have to stand before God.

Free justification is different than forgiveness. Forgiveness is being let go but justification is the allowance to come and partake. Jail analogy: Many Christians act like prisoners who have been set free from jail but then go out and try to get a job and make money to prove themselves – because they forget that Christ has justified them already. There is nothing left to prove.

Christian ministers who haven't had the gospel sink into their hearts fully will forget that they have been justified by Christ. Therefore, they will spend their entire lives trying to produce a successful ministry as a way to justify themselves before God and to the world. If the gospel reality that Jesus is our justification isn't grasped, our motivation for evangelism will always be tainted. We will continue to share our faith to enhance our reputation, not out of gratitude because our names are written in heaven (Luke 10).

The gospel is good news, not good advice. The gospel is about something that has already happened (Christ's death and resurrection which makes us right with God) not advice (this is what you need to do to get right with God). All other religions offer advice, not good news.

Evangelism is no longer an irritation to the culture, it is an offense to the culture. Just knowing how to share our faith isn't going to cut it. We are going to have to learn how to do apologetics for apologetics.

You won't be a good messenger if you are not a good neighbor. The message is what makes us good neighbors because its purifies our motives. We can love and serve our neighbors and cities no matter how undeserving they are because Jesus sacrificed himself for us, the undeserving.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Love Through The Pain of Plagues

I never knew that most of the plagues that God sent to the Egyptians attacked a specific “god” that they were trusting in. Check this interesting insight out...

“The plagues were actually a “declaration of war” against the gods of Egypt (see 12:12). The Nile River was worshiped as a god since it was their source of life (Deut. 11:10–12), and when Moses turned it into blood, God showed His power over the river. The goddess Heqt was pictured as a frog, the Egyptian symbol of resurrection. The plague of frogs certainly turned the people against Heqt! The lice and flies brought defilement to the people—a terrible blow, for Egyptians could not worship their gods unless they were spotlessly clean. The murrain attacked the cattle which were sacred to the Egyptians; Hathor was the “cow-goddess” and Apis was the sacred bull. The gods and goddesses that controlled health and safety were attacked in the plagues of boils, hail, and locusts. The plague of darkness was the most serious, since Egypt worshiped the sun god, Ra, the chief of the gods. When the sun was blotted out for three days, it meant that Jehovah had conquered Ra. The final plague (the death of the firstborn) conquered Meskhemit the goddess of birth, and Hathor, her companion, both of whom were supposed to watch over the firstborn. All of these plagues made it clear that Jehovah was the true God!” - Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament

I love how God has not ceased to send various plagues into our lives to tear us away from the “gods” that we cling onto for hope.

I love that God causes someone who is worshiping their work to lose their job to show them that they can't trust in that job to bring them the fulfillment they are looking for.

I love that God causes a student to get dumped by their girlfriend or boyfriend who they are worshiping to show them that they can't trust in that person to bring them ultimate satisfaction.

I love that God causes unexpected emergencies in our lives to pry us from worshiping money and to show us that we can't rely on our finances to bring us the ultimate comfort and peace we long for.

Have we been overlooking the plagues that God is putting in our lives? Have we been resisting His plagues not knowing that they are for our good?

God is always after our good.

But, to get us to that place of rest and fulfillment, He has to pry us away from the things that we are going to other than Him. And that process of separation (a.k.a sanctification) is a very painful one.

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

A Day on Campus: Sabastian and His Girlfriend Idol

Ty Stevens, a UMKC junior, and I got to share our faith with five San Diego State University students a month ago on campus. The last conversation we had turned out to be the best.

When we asked Sabastian, an SDSU junior who was sitting in Starbucks, to describe his life in a few words he said: sad and lonely. He didn't go into the specifics right away but we eventually learned that his girlfriend of nine months had just broken up with him. Sabastian said that it was funny that we ran into him because he has been thinking about going to church for the first time in his life due to the hard situation he's in right now. Since he was ready and willing to hear the gospel, we took the opportunity to apply the gospel to his situation.

I shared Romans 1:25 with him which says that all of us have turned from worshiping the true God and have instead worshiped the things God's given us in creation. In Sabastian's case (and hey, I've been there too) the object of worship was his girlfriend.

Making a girlfriend a “god” creates problems.

First, by making his girlfriend a god he was putting unrealistic expectations on her that only God Himself can meet. This is part of the reason why his girlfriend broke up with him.

Second, since all his time and energy went toward making sacrifices for his girlfriend, he sacrificed all of his guy friends in the process. So now that Sabastian's “god” girlfriend has rejected him, he has no friends to help him through his loneliness – since pursuing his girlfriend isolated him from other relationships.

I reminded him that God is the only one who, if you seek Him and worship Him alone, will never fail you. Sabastian said that all of this made a lot of sense and that he wants to continue learning about the bible. He is going to join us for bible study next week.

We were really excited and thankful to God for connecting us with Sabastian today – who was so open, honest, and humble due to his circumstance. I think he is close to following Christ.

The conversation today reminded me that students seem to be the most receptive to the gospel when the “gods” they are pursuing fail them - when they realize that they need something else, something stronger, to both save them from their brokenness and fulfill their deepest longings.

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