Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jesus is the Better Jonah

The story of Jonah's sacrifice prepares us for a better Sacrifice.

Jonah, who was guilty, was drug and thrown off the ship and sacrificed so that everyone could be physically saved from the storm. Jesus, who was innocent, wasn't drug, but willingly went to the cross and was sacrificed so that we would be spiritually saved from the storm of God's wrath.

Jonah went down to the whale for three days and three nights while Jesus was placed in his tomb for three days and three nights. Just as Jonah was spit out of the whale after these three days Jesus was resurrected out of the tomb after three days.

Jonah then went unwillingly to his enemy nation to preach the good news, but God willingly sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to ensure that every enemy nation would hear the good news.

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Blogger Pastor Ed Pomelear said...

Yours was the "Next Blog" link and I'm glad. Good to be reminded of how well the OT drew pictures of yet future events.
I'll be praying as you serve there in Omaha.

6:48 AM  
Blogger Dark Glass said...

I stumbled on your blog and I have enjoyed reading it. I think you would enjoy mine as well so check it out if you have a little time to spare.

11:22 AM  

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