Friday, October 03, 2008

Inspiring and Robbing Your Passion for Christ

What is it that inspires you? Who is it?

Matt Chandler recently wrote an article on the things that fuel his passion for Christ and the things that drive him away from Christ.

I decided to set aside some time to meditate on these things in my own life. I want to a) take more initiative in pursuing the things that ignite a passion for Christ and b) cut out the things that rob this passion.

What stirs my affections for Christ? What, when I’m doing it, when I’m around it or dwelling on it creates in me a greater hunger for, passion for and worship of Christ and His mission?

My list:

1. Hot coffee and my bible in the morning
2. Listening to sermons on my iPod
3. Electronic Music (Djing)
4. Worship music (usually the slow, meditative kind)
5. Missiology discussions (engaging the lost and culture)
6. Spiritual conversations (with those seeking God)
7. Greek ministry discussions
8. Creative media – Short films or inspiring movies
9. Writing/thinking/dreaming
10. Listening to my best friends talk about how God is convicting, challenging, or encouraging them

What, when I do it or spend time around it create in me an unhealthy love for this world? What robs me of my hunger for Christ and passion for Him?

My list:

1. Checking my email constantly
2. Spending hours browsing the web
3. Being physically lazy around the house
5. Time with friends/family that is filled with shallow conversation
6. Listening to too many sermons
7. Watching too many TV shows on DVD (Netflix)

What increases your passion for Christ and what robs you of that passion?

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