Monday, October 16, 2006

A Special Letter From Chicago

by Tyler Zach

Lindsay Hattan is a very gifted and dedicated student leader who recently moved to Chicago to go to grad school. She is also one of my wife's best friends. I thought that Lindsay's email to our Crusade staff team was very encouraging... and would also give you a glimpse of the impact that Cru had on her life.
"As I have transitioned into life at Moody Bible Institute, I have become even more thankful for the spiritual training I've received over the last few years from each of you! You have all impacted my life in some way and you've built into me a passion for my relationship with Christ and for ministry! I am especially grateful for my involvement with Campus Crusade. I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Cru! The staff that I've come to know and the experiences that I was given the opportunity to be a part of have truly changed my life and I don't think I realized the impact of those things until recently! My involvement with Crusade gave me a perspective on ministry and my relationship with Christ and responsibility to lost people that will stay with me forever! I have no idea where I will end up after my time at Moody is finished but I do know you have each played a role in my life that I am tremendously grateful for! I look up to each of you and hope to be able to impact lives someday in the same way that you have impacted mine. May God bless you and your continued ministry! Blessed beyond what words can say..."
- Lindsay Hattan

THANK YOU for your constant prayers and support for the students we work with. God is radically changing their lives because of you. I appreciate you very much!


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