Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bored People Are Not In Tune With Reality

I was sitting on my computer last night trying to entertain myself. In short, I was bored, looking for something to do.

Then, I came across an article that put my life on pause for a brief second. To be honest, I can’t remember what I read exactly – but I think it had something to do with the conflict in Africa. I prayed for the situation, but not before a realization came upon me.

Bored people are not in tune with Reality.

We are distracted. Our vision of how things really are... is dimmed.

When I was in San Diego five years ago on a summer project with Campus Crusade, we did this thing called an International Dinner. Each of us were placed in a different “country” atmosphere – although all of us were in the same room next to each other. I was, thank goodness, placed in “China” where I was given a small cup of rice for dinner.

The "American" group, in the middle of the large room, was given a feast. During the evening, the Americans had the freedom to walk around and share their food with the other surrounding “countries”. But they didn’t. Why?

They were distracted!

The staff team gave them video games to play, free back rubs, and an unending amount of food. The entire night, not one student in the American location stepped out to view the needs of those around them. While in their bubble, they lost their sense of Reality.

I think all of us were designed to be heroes. But because of our ability to distance ourselves from the sin of the world, our vision is dimmed and we default to do doing nothing.

It’s troubling to me that I find myself bored way too often. I choose comfort rather than mission, and it only decreases my view of God and leaves me spiritually lethargic.

What if we were given better alternatives to the things we do when we are bored?

Play video games all summer VS. Go to Africa and wire a town for internet

Read books every Friday night VS. Tutor a few kids so they can learn how to read

Go to the movies every Saturday VS. Make a documentary about an injustice in the city

Sneak around town and graffiti VS. Design pieces for an art show and give proceeds to the poor

Shop at the mall VS. Find a local refugee family in the city to give away clothes to

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